
Showing posts from January, 2023

2022 Review/2023 Goals

Coming into 2022, I wasn't sure what my relationship with Magic would look like on any front. My part of the world was opening up again but large Magic tournaments still seemed like a thing of the past. The online OP offerings focused on Arena, an awful environment for competitive play in many ways, and the dream of professional Magic had been officially put down by WotC in 2021. The first big upheaval wasn't even on my radar yet... CONTENT Back in February, most of my colleagues were let go by StarCityGames in the most dramatic example of the struggles facing the ecosystem of written Magic content. Instead of belonging to a team that featured writers and players I'd looked up to for a decade or more I was now the sole reminder that competitive Magic existed, showing up once a week to make sure the lighthouse was still visible. I'd be lying if I said my writing didn't suffer as a result. In one sense I had more choice over what to write about than ever - I no longer...